Sie wollen möglichst nachhaltig, schnell und einfach Urdu lernen?Der Sprachkurs-Spezialist bietet Ihnen eine erprobte Möglichkeit einfach Urdu zu erlernen und das bei nur ca. They are repeated over and over again until each vocabulary can be answered perfectly from every point of view. Afrikaans • Chinesisch • Auch in großen Filmproduktionen wird es sehr oft verwendet. Portugiesisch PT • When you complete the beginner's course in Urdu, you will, Simply enter your name and e-mail address in the. "Mein Kollege hat mir das Iftikhar-Profil für das Urdu-Lernen empfohlen.Er ist ein sehr freundlicher Lehrer, der viel Erfahrung im Online-Unterricht hat. I'll try learning a new language every year. "I really really like the vocabulary training method. The Urdu long-term memory learning method is based on the latest findings from research on vocabulary learning. ", "I like the interval repetition, the division in levels and the monitor how much time is left to achieve a level, Besides I think it's great you can choose listening to the language as often as you want to as well as being able printing the vocabulary on flashcards. This method makes me build up on my vocabulary knowledge quickly. Englisch US • Kroatisch • Zuerst lernen Sie die Grundstrukturen der Sprache kennen. The variety of the teaching materials is also great. ", "I'm really motivated by the short and not too challenging lessons. "I was especially amazed by learning with the longterm-method. Denn man lernt nur korrekte, häufig gesprochene Sätze und kann diese sofort anwenden. Bulgarisch • Albanisch • The recorded vocabulary combined with the written word itself is perfect for me. 17 Minuten Lernzeit am Tag mit der Langzeitgedächtnis Lernmethode. Regardless of whether working on quick repetition or text input: I really like the versatile testing options. I like the well-structured way of the course and the wide-ranged possibilities which makes learning so much easier and varying as well. Portugiesisch BR • Without the learning tips it would definitely take me longer to learn a language and also the feeling of success wouldn't be as huge (as it is now).". The lessons aren't stuffed full and contain an appropriate amount of vocabulary. Türkisch • In this way I'm able to learn in a structured way. We have also prepared a useful list of phrases for emergency situations. Griechisch • Urdu lernen. Mostly I use the long term memory learning method and the quick repetition. Sie lernen unterwegs ebenso wie zu Hause. Using the pc is much simpler than writing manually. A enjoyable multimedia learning experience with a. Learn Urdu in only 17 minutes per day - quick, easy and effective! Putting it in a nutshell, it's a well-made language course. The dialogue texts are well-chosen and the basic vocabulary is extensive. • SPIN THE WHEEL TO EXPLORE It's so easy and natural. Bengalisch • iftikhar ist einer strukturierte Lehrer und er ist sehr motiviert. "I find the logical and neat outline very appealing. It's fun to learn a new language with this course! Thereby you are developing ambition which keeps you going. The first step is always the most difficult, namely approaching people. Moreover the digital speech of the respective vocabulary is also great. I also like being constantly encouraged by the program and getting learning tips. Arabisch • ", "I find the daily exercises very encouraging. Would you like to be able to say the most important things in Urdu on your holiday. You can virtually follow the continuing progress the team is working on - this is what I really like Ungarisch • How do you say in Urdu: “The menu, please?“. Moreover I'm convinced by the different methods of vocabulary training and different learning methods. Also the flashcards which can be printed out are great for taking with you and learn whenever I feel like studying. Urdu wird mit einer Variante des persisch-arabischen Alphabets geschrieben, Hindi nicht. Hebräisch • Slowakisch • Jetzt bestellen . Marathi • book 2 ist der effektive Weg, um Urdu zu lernen. Usbekisch lernen. Paschtunisch • "I appreciate the course' systematic regarding the structure, the clarity regarding the titles you can click on. (Occasionally the dialog translations are not real accurate but they do Kudos to you! You will be surprised at how quickly you pick up the language, even without any prior knowledge. Als Literatursprache ist Urdu von herausragender Bedeutung. Wie man jede Sprache in nur 7 Wochen lernt. ", "I like the learning units being split in small very achievable units. Fast and highly efficient learning method: When you have completed your daily tasks you have the possibility to transfer your score online. The vocabulary being taught is very applicable especially for beginners - that's what I really like since I want to learn this language only on a "vacation" kind of level. "What I like most about the course is the long term memory learning method. In any case I would love to thank the experts who developed the course very much! ", Order your Urdu course and start learning immediately », Order the Urdu course and start immediately », Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, You'll never forget Urdu again in your life with the unique. It gives you a well-structures schedule that guides you trough the program. Rumänisch • Verbs are at the heart of every language. Thailändisch • Lade Urdu Sprache und genieße die App auf deinem iPhone, iPad und iPod touch. Norwegisch • Slowenisch • Lettisch • ", "I especially enjoy the daily exercises since they really enhance the quality of learning new languages. Koreanisch • Auch Fortgeschrittene können das Gelernte wiederholen und festigen. Vietnamesisch • I'm also motivated by the long term memory learning method which makes it easy for me to live up to the learning success of the day before and gets me started over quickly. Serbisch • Indonesisch • The price-performance ratio is absolutely justifiable. In general the program is designed logical and very comprehensible. On average, we spend 3 hours a day watching TV or streaming. Italienisch • The vocabulary tests are also tremendously effective since you cannot cheat. since they give me the feeling that I'm taken seriously when I hand in some suggestions for improvement and changes. Since we're getting ready to move these lessons are great to get prepared. Now, my son (15) really enjoys learning new vocabulary and is making great progress. ", "I really do like learning using the long term memory learning method. "The daily exercises are encouraging me to really stay focused even though there are no new words are added. You want to learn Urdu in a simpler and quicker way with lasting effect? Tscherkessisch • Sie werden sich in Alltagssituationen sprachlich richtig verständigen können. Do you need to have a sense of achievement when learning? Each term or sentence can be repeated - this way the pronunciation can be memorized much better.". Broaden your horizons as you travel to Pakistan. Therefore the language courses uses the long-term memory learning method. "I'm very pleased with this course and it helps a lot with my studies. Urdu lernen - schnell und kostenlos mit book2 von "50 languages", Auch verfügbar: The explanation of the psychological backgrounds and the systematics of the memory performance respectively makes the learning methods much more comprehensible. Japanisch • Would you like to learn a new language more effectively than you could with other learning methods? Moreover using the pc is much more efficient since you can not betray yourself - The system is correcting every single mistake also including emphasis which are also registered. Sie bleiben mobil und haben Urdu immer bei sich. Tschechisch • Hindi • "The daily are exercises learning method seem very effective. ", "The daily exercises are the greatest thing about this learning software. Musterdialoge helfen Ihnen, sich in der Fremdsprache auszudrücken. "It speaks the words so I can hear pronunciation instead of just guessing how written words might sound. Niederländisch • Mazedonisch • I really enjoy this programm for it keeps asking until the correlate word is typed in correctly. "Teaches you Urdu so much faster than with regular learning methods – in only 17 minutes per day!". The daily assignments challenge you with number of diverse exercises. ", "The program is well-structured and clearly represented. The daily exercises are giving me the pressure necessary I need to do them. This way you will remember the vocabulary permanently. Vorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich. ... Hindi stellt die hinduistische Variante der Sprache dar, während Urdu in den indischen Regionen mit einem hohen muslimischen Bevölkerungsanteil gesprochen wird. I mostly prefer multiple choice and input. This course is highly recommendable - especially for beginners. Learning foreign languages has become a hobby to me - for me, personally, not is it only learning by heart but a leisure pursuit.". • "This course has broadened my vocabulary knowledge tremendously. "I am very content with your language course and I really enjoy learning with it. This course gives you the opportunity to be a part of a large and colorful community of language learners. Tigrinya • ‎LASS UNS DIE URDU SPRACHE LERNEN ! Basisinformationen zum Land I'm pretty sure I would have given up learning this language if it wasn't for this course. ", "I particularly like the diversity of the learning method and the great choice of topics of the lessons or the continuous sequences. Here, I'm especially using the long-term memory learning method. Sie erfahren, zu welcher Sprachfamilie die Sprache gehört und welche Anknüpfungspunkte sich für deutsche Muttersprachler beim Lernen ergeben. The language courses specialist offers a proven possibility to learn Urdu easily and that in only about 17 minutes training per day. They have something in store for everyone. Polnisch • • ADD TO FAVORITES Save the word you like for the future use. Urdu • "I like being drilled - and measured against A1/A2 proficiency. Storing the different levels makes repeating the vocabulary and the texts based on the flashcard principle possible and thereby more effective. I'm able to connect proper spelling as well as the right pronunciation by the audio output. ", "The price/performance ratio is amazing. The exercising sections containing the long-term memory learning method are really motivating to start learning. "It is a more fun approach than other courses. Kannada • Armenisch • This course is especially helpful when it comes to learning vocabulary and a proper pronunciation. "I am given the possibility to determine the learning rate myself. Finnisch • Ukrainisch • Additionally I want to point out the learning monitoring and the opportunity given to print out the vocabulary which makes learning a lot easier for me.". This program also provides the possibility to print out cards which I think is very crucial. Lernen Sie Urdu, es ist ein Schlüssel zur Kultur Südasiens! Englisch UK • Personally, I was able to develop myself professionally and put into practice what I had learned. THIS APP BREAKS THEM DOWN STROKE BY STROKE ! "I've been mostly impressed by the long-term method for learning new vocabulary, since I didn't expect knowing the vocabulary after a pretty long break. Spanisch • Panjabi • Having the possibility to exchange information with others and also motivate each other online helps me staying motivated. Estnisch • Thereby, I can learn both the vocabulary training and text exercises quickly and continuing. I think it's really convenient having the possibility to repeat the vocabulary regularly with the long-term memory learning method. Wissenswertes zur Sprache: Urdu In einem ersten Teil stellen wir Ihnen Urdu näher vor. Georgisch • ", "The long-term memory learning method for keeping vocabulary in long-term memory is, in my opinion, particularly efficient.


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