We will look at Java projects in detail in this chapter, but most of the topics apply to other supported JVM languages as well, such as Kotlin, Groovy and Scala.If you don’t have much experience with building JVM-based projects with Gradle, take a look at the Java samples for step-by-step instructions on how to build various types of basic Java projects. Thanks for the short tutorial. Yes, but it isn’t a jar. By default, this task produces jars without any dependencies. So much cleaner! In this tutorial, we will show you how to use Gradle build tool to create a single Jar file with dependencies. Compile configuration is deprecated for long now, kindly update: from { configurations.runtimeClasspath.collect { it.isDirectory() ? In this quick article, we'll cover creating a “fat jar” in Gradle. Basically, a fat jar (also known as uber-jar) is a self-sufficient archive which contains both classes and dependencies needed to run an application. java.lang.StackOverflowError (no error message), mkyong, your example only works in some cases. So, it’s not the same. apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: 'eclipse' version = '1.0' sourceCompatibility = 1.7 targetCompatibility = 1.7 //create a single Jar with all dependencies task fatJar (type: Jar) { manifest { attributes 'Implementation-Title': 'Gradle Jar File Example', 'Implementation-Version': version, 'Main … We need two things to make it work: Let's add few modifications to the Gradle task: If we want to leave the original jar task as it is, we can create a separate one which will do the same job. A build.gradle sample to create a Jar file along with its logback dependencies. I get class not found error if my main class is in test folder, works fine if main class is in src/main/java. What if you have a LOT of dependencies, but only what to include certain ones, and NOT all of them? This will be maintained by plugin contributers. Basically, a fat jar (also known as uber-jar) is a self-sufficient archive which contains both classes and dependencies needed to run an application. For people that are adding signed third part jars. You always give just enough to force us to use our heads to figure out the rest. THE unique Spring Security education if you’re working with Java today. Thank you! Thank you so much. Focus on the new OAuth2 stack in Spring Security 5. I know a jar file is just a zip file… but the distZip task creates a zip file without a manifest and other jar related things. All of this happens without any additional configuration in the build script because Gradle’s java-library plugin assumes your project sources are arranged in a conventional project layout . This distribute only runtime deps, not compile and test. As always, the full implementation of this tutorial can be found over on GitHub. And the Gradle commands : #Run the main class gradle run #Create the jars files (including the JavaFX jars) in the "build/libs" folder gradle createJar #Run the jar file cd build/libs java --module-path "." I get “no main manifest attribute, in gradle-create-single-jar-all-1.0.jar” with the uploaded example. The guides on building REST APIs with Spring. build.gradle. 3. $ jar tvf build/libs/gs-gradle-0.1.0.jar 0 Fri May 30 16:02:32 CDT 2014 META-INF/ 25 Fri May 30 16:02:32 CDT 2014 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 0 Fri May 30 16:02:32 CDT 2014 hello/ 369 Fri May 30 16:02:32 CDT 2014 hello/Greeter.class 988 Fri May 30 16:02:32 CDT 2014 hello/HelloWorld.class We can overwrite this behavior by adding a few lines of code. exclude ‘META-INF/*.RSA’, ‘META-INF/*.SF’,’META-INF/*.DSA’, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37848553/error-in-executing-the-generated-jar-file/37848829. Make sure to add this exclude line in the gradle.build file! I think this is much better:http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/application_plugin.html just add this lines to build.gradle: apply plugin: ‘application’ mainClassName = “com.mkyong.DateUtils”. /libs ? Mkyong.com is providing Java and Spring tutorials and code snippets since 2008. In case the executable jar/war file is not generated run the below gradle task manually. Doesn’t work. I used it on my project with a dependency on javaee and jersey and I ended up with a jar with multiple entries with the same name… and Java doesn’t like it when running in a webstart application. From no experience to actually building stuff​. The Jar is created under the $project/build/libs/ folder. In this example we'll use the Shadow plugin: Once we apply the Shadow plugin, the shadowJar task will be ready to use. $ jar tf lib/build/libs/lib.jar META-INF/ META-INF/MANIFEST.MF lib/ lib/Library.class You should see the required manifest file — MANIFEST.MF — and the compiled Library class. After hours of google searching, you were the saving grace! But as the project grows we highly recommend to use plugins, because they already have solved more difficult problems like conflicts with external META-INF files. I spent ages trying to figure out why it wasn’t working and eventually I realised I was supposed to do “gradle fatJar” not “gradle build” – it does say it in the tutorial but perhaps like many others I am often in too much of a hurry for my own good. I’ve seen examples where that show including one of many dependencies, but not several of many (but not all) dependencies. jar任务 1). Which approach is recommended? Since we just need to use a assembly or onejar plugin. The answer is – it depends. This seems to be way to complicated as compared to maven. The settings.gradle file : rootProject.name = 'Project'. it : zipTree(it) }, apply plugin: ‘java’ apply plugin: ‘application’, sourceCompatibility = 1.8 targetCompatibility = 1.8, apply plugin: ‘com.github.johnrengelman.shadow’, shadowJar { configurations = [project.configurations.compile] classifier = null baseName = ‘MyTesteJARFilenameHere’ version = null }, buildscript { repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { classpath ‘com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins:shadow:2.0.2’ } }, main = “br.com.teste.Main” classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath, args System.getProperty(“exec.args”, “”).split() }, sourceSets { main { java { srcDirs = [‘src/main/java’] } resources { srcDirs = [‘src/main/resources’] } } test { java { srcDirs = [‘src/test/java’] } resources { srcDirs = [‘src/test/resources’] } } }, dependencies { testCompile group: ‘junit’, name: ‘junit’, version: ‘4.12’ }. We overrode the default jar task, created a separated task and used the shadow plugin. The following code will add a new task called customFatJar: We can also use existing Gradle plugins in order to build a fat jar. Thanks. All published articles are simple and easy to understand and well tested in our development environment. 2. Source code in Mkyong.com is licensed under the MIT License, read this Code License. A single Java file to print out the current date time, and logs the message with logback. Yes, with this http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/application_plugin.html and distZip. it : zipTree(it) } }, shadowJar { configurations = [project.configurations.compile] classifier = null baseName = ‘MyNewJARFileName’ version = null }. For me at first it didn’t work. Let's start with a simple build.gradle file for a Java project with two dependencies: Let's start with modifying the jar task from the Java Gradle plugin. This is created automatically once the java plugin is applied. In this tutorial, we presented a few different ways of creating fat jars in Gradle. The high level overview of all the articles on the site. In this quick article, we'll cover creating a “fat jar” in Gradle. The bootJar task is responsible for creating the executable jar file. --module "Project.main/main.Main". The canonical reference for building a production grade API with Spring. When I see it in a Google search I think “ah, that’s good, I trust this guy” 😉. $./gradlew bootJar Similarly, bootWar generates an executable war file and gets created once the war plugin is applied. A build.gradle sample to create a Jar file along with its logback dependencies. It’s better, because: 1. Any suggestions. In simple projects, it's enough to override the default jar task or create a new one. Create following project folder structure : By default, Gradle is using the standard Maven project structure. How to make a Java exe file or executable JAR file, How to Java applet access files inside applet jar, Gradle - Spring 4 MVC Hello World Example, Gradle – Spring 4 MVC Hello World Example - Anno, http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/application_plugin.html. 打包成一个Jar 执行命令gradle build或者./gradlew build,可在build/libs查看生成的jar包 2). This is plugin and your build.gradle much cleaner. Is there a way to store all the dependencies in one folder in jar, e.g. But thanks anyway, I’ve gotten a ton of useful information from you blog in the past!!! jar { manifest { attributes "Main-Class": application.mainClassName }, from { // filters only existing and non-empty dirs sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath .filter { (it.isDirectory() && it.listFiles().length > 0) || it.isFile() } .collect { it.isDirectory() ? This! Thank you for the tip.


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